Department of Law - Criminal Law

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who should attend?
This program is aimed to:
-All law workers
-Judges, lawyers and legal practitioners
-Students and graduates of law and law schools
– Students specializing in the science of crime control
-Legal workers in ministries and institutions
– Anyone who has an interest in the world of crime control and wants to raise his legal skills in this field
The criminal law programme will consist of three chapters, and each chapter will address its main themes.
Chapter 1: Crime Legally:
The offence is an act or omission that violates a criminal rule of criminal law and requires punishment under the Act. In this chapter, we will address the following topics:
-Understanding the crime
-Crime prevention
– Elements of the crime
-Criminal contribution
-Criminal proceedings
– Types and forms of international and domestic crimes
– Reasons for legalization
-Criminal liability prohibitions
Chapter 2: Criminal Law:
We have also known that criminal law is a set of rules that deal with criminalizing an act that causes harm to society. In this chapter, we will learn what the concept of criminal law is, and the basis on which it is based. We will address the following topics that will teach us more about what criminal law is:
-The concept of criminal law
-Criminal law sections
-Criminal law methods
-Criminal law legislation
-Criminal legal terms
-Sources of criminal law
-Legal interpretation
-The difference between criminal trials and the penal code
-The principle of legitimacy
-The principle of regionalism
-The principle of non-reactionary
-Examples of some criminal offences
Chapter 3: Methods of criminal investigation:
A criminal investigation involves examining the facts, to be used to verify the existence of the crime, and to prove the guilt of the offender. The investigation must contain research, interview, interrogation, collection and preservation of evidence. Chapter axes:
– The qualities of the investigator
-Criminal evidence methods
-Judicial control
– Detection of drug use and dealing with detainees
– Crime scene preparation for murders and robberies
-Protection of evidence at the crime scene
– Gathering evidence at the crime scene
– Fingerprinting
-Dealing with blood stains at the crime scene.
About materials:
1-Corporate Governance: A set of systems and programs that work together to cover the needs of
Factories and companies of these systems are self-contained systems, permanence, warehouses and sales.
The main themes of this article are:
• Setting company standards.
• Pay attention to the client’s expectations.
• How to plan well to manage the company.
• The right marketing strategy.
2-Human resources management:
Human resources management can be considered one of the most important administrative processes in the organization as it takes care of the human element that carries out all its activities and projects.
The most important topics that we will address in this article:
• Management understanding.
Human resources planning.
The importance and objectives of human resources management.
3-Quality management:
Quality management can be defined as the ongoing effort of both management and staff in the organization, to ensure customer loyalty and satisfaction to the organization for a long period of time.
The most important topics we will discuss in this article:
• Quality management principles.
• The benefits of applying quality management.
• The concept of comprehensive quality management.
4-Customer Service Management:
This approach analyzes customer history data with the company in order to improve the best business relationships with customers, with a particular focus on customer retention, for sales growth.
Our interlocutors in this article are:
• Customer search strategy.
• Dealing with customers and finding solutions to their problems.
• Customer relationship management in banks.
• The organizational structure of customer service management.
5-Managing production processes and developing industrial processes:
– Sales Management: Sales management is an important part of the business cycle of the enterprise whether you are selling a service or a product, sales managers are responsible for leading the sales forces, setting goals for the team, planning and controlling the entire process and ultimately ensuring the implementation of the team’s vision.
The main themes of this article:
• The functions and skills of the sales manager.
• How to succeed in running a business.
• The importance of the sales management department.
• Sales traffic reports.
6-Negotiating skills:
Understanding this skill is the first step to becoming a better negotiator.
Negotiations are one of the most common and important professional aspects and the machine of their work must be understood and developed.
Important topics in this article:
• Effective communication skills.
• Persuasion skills.
• Planning.
• Aphoristhinking.
7-Financial management and accounting:
Accounting and financial management is the main nerve of managing the organizations and ensuring that they can continue and achieve their desired objectives in the short and long term together. It helps institutions verify their financial position.
So we’ll study this article together through these themes:
• Basic financial statements (income list, balance sheet, cash flow list)
The most common financial analysis tools such as ratios and financial indicators.
Investment instruments in financial markets.
• Sound monetary management.
Areas of work in this field:
• Production manager.
• Sales manager.
• Logistics Manager.
• Human Resources Manager.
• Marketing Manager.
• CFO.
• Operations Manager.
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