Department of Law - Organized Crime

اتصل بنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على أو أرسل استفسارًا تجاريًا عبر الإنترنت.
who should attend?
This program is suitable:
– For those wishing to obtain employment opportunities in private or public organizations specialized in this field
– For those who have a passion for combating crimes and want real support in this area
– For all those working in this field who are willing to hone and develop their skills, and to see everything that is new in the world of combating organized crime.
The program aims to:
– Providing full knowledge of criminal structures and illegal activities
– Knowledge of international legal frameworks to address organized crime
– Develop thinking of solutions to address crime on the basis of theoretical and evidence-based foundations
– Raising the ability to analyze and classify the phenomenon of organized crime
– A critical assessment of the credibility and reliability of data on organized crime
– Providing knowledge of common forms of organized crime and emerging new forms
– Dealing with complex issues systematically and creatively
Course overview:
1. The impact of crime on a global and local organization
2. Analysis of organized crime infiltration and identification of tools and skills
3. Airport interception and risk assessment techniques
4. Interview and search for people
5. Drug investigation
6. Money laundering and financial crimes
7. Human trafficking
8. Smuggling migrants
9- Examination of security documents
10. How organized crime organizations communicate
11. Measures to deter criminal activities
Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?