Department of Oil, Gas and Energy Management

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who should attend?
This program is suitable:
– For all those who wish to raise the level of knowledge and skills in the management professions in the oil and gas sector
– For Managers of various petroleum sectors
– For those interested in the oil, gas and energy industry
– For all students and graduates of this field
– For every ambitious person who looks to chart the path to his success but needs real support to enter this field, and take up management positions in it.
-Degrees in oil, gas and energy management apply concepts in business management and economics with a focus on global energy industries, including oil and gas, as well as green energy technologies and markets.
-Degree programmes prepare oil professionals and students in the middle of their careers.
For executive and leadership roles in the exploration, production and circulation of international oil, in addition to renewable energy sources.
— Degree programs will enable the development of not only advanced skills in strategy and management but also good knowledge of energy management and understanding of its importance in the social, political, economic, cultural and technological aspects of the national and international strategy and the ability to apply this knowledge to inform decision-making.
-Degree programs are designed to provide experienced oil, gas and energy practitioners with the business, management and advanced leadership skills needed to work at the strategic level as contemporary energy managers.
– The program of the Faculty of Business Administration, Oil, Gas and Energy is designed according to the needs of certain companies or markets in the energy industry, which initially gives students experience in decision-making and allows graduates to be employed to a high degree by employers or to lead their own institutions since these degree programs are important options for researchers in terms of the breadth of the subject of oil and gas, study status and career path.
Subjects included in the curriculum:
• Department of International Health and Safety.
• International quality management system.
• General waste control and environmental management.
• General inspection and audit management.
• Management of control of oil and gas production at the source and mouth.
• Management of general oil and gas risk analysis.
• Department of Safety Operations Engineering.
• Drilling Control Department.
• Wellhead services management.
• Quality assurance management/general quality control.
What topics can energy professionals cover?
The various topics available for coverage in degree programs include:
• Economic fundamentals
• Department of International Health and Safety
• International standards of design and engineering.
• International standards of quality control and quality assurance
• Wastewater control and general control of waste
Environmental impact assessment.
• Public safety standards for construction.
• Energy Economics
• Petroleum Engineering
• Geology and geophysics
• Natural resources
• Energy policy
• Trading energy commodities
• Management practices for energy professionals – MPE
• Financial reporting for the energy industry
• Ownership, records and management of petroleum land
• Investment and portfolio management
• International Energy Business
• Global energy and economic issues
• Renewable and alternative energy
Environmental, legal, regulatory and political energy industry issues
• A healthy and safe environment
Drilling, completion and maintenance of wells
• Refining techniques
• Leadership and decision-making
• Basics of mathematics, statistics and linear and non-linear programming methods
Land and contract management
• Regulatory conduct
• Energy Industry Value Cycle
• Economics of oil and energy production around the world
• Epp Economics
• Oil estuary economics
• Energy production management
• International negotiations
• Wind power
• Geothermal energy
• Nuclear Energy
• Tidal and hydropower
• Asset management
• Gas processing
• Well engineering
• Solar Energy
• Petroleum Physics
•Suppliers • RDA
What topics can energy professionals cover?
The various topics available for coverage in degree programs include:
• Horizontal and multilateral wells, casing and reinforcement
• Strategic thinking
• Accounting for global energy markets
• Financing and hedging strategies for global energy markets
• Operations management
• Surface production, hydraulic fracturing and well stimulation
• Production facilities
• Damage to genesis, causes, prevention, treatment
• Advanced decision analysis and risk decision analysis – ADA
How is the curriculum built and what topics are addressed in the curriculum?
Students acquire a comprehensive knowledge of theory, practice and implementation of business decisions in the energy industry, so that the curriculum contains the following materials:
• International standards of design and engineering.
• International standards of quality control and quality assurance
• Wastewater control and general control of waste
Environmental impact assessment.
• Public safety standards for construction.
• Energy Economics
• Petroleum Engineering
• Geology and geophysics
Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?