Department of Political Science

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who should attend?
Staff in embassies and diplomatic institutions
Employees in public relations departments in companies and institutions
Presidents and members of political parties
Those wishing to join politics and wishing to work in international organizations and holding leadership positions in the political field
Who wants to develop his skills and enter the field of political science and crisis management.
The program aims to:
Introducing participants to political systems, functions and objectives
Preparing specialized cadres to work in political affairs and crisis management
Develop ing the skills of participants in crisis management, types and specialties
Enabling the recipient to think and analyze the field of political science and correctunderstanding of political events and their implications
Develop participants’ capabilities to meet potential challenges when dealing with political events
Developing the competence of participants to work in international organizations
Majors in political science and crisis management:
1-Political science.
2-International relations.
3-Political systems.
4-Political sociology.
5-Crisis and disaster management.
6-Leadership and leadership in times of crisis and disaster.
About materials:
1- Political Science: As we have already pointed out that political science is a branch of social sciences, so we will talk about the subjects that the student studies when he enrolls in a university that is interested in studying political science, knowing that these subjects may differ with the different university, and some of its names may differ. The main themes of this article are: International conflicts.
-International relations.
-Political systems.
-Political development.
2-International Relations: International Relations are a branch of political science, and international relations are concerned By studying all phenomena that go beyond international borders, this specialization not only existed to study and analyze political matters, but also concerned with various dimensions that include economic dimensions, ideological, cultural and social dimensions. The main themes of this article:
-Social innovation.
-Social work –
3- Political systems: All political systems are usually established to achieve certain functions (objectives). And the truth. These functions may have many denominations that may vary from one system of government to another, but the most common classification is the one that limits them to the three other functions, so what I mean by the functional distribution of powers is the relationship between these three authorities in the same government. It is a fusion and fusion relationship as in Britain. Or is it the relationship between the two as it is? The situation in France and Russia. And to illustrate this functional relationship to the distribution of powers Let’s look at three types of political governance that we are talking about in this article :
-The parliamentary system.
-The quasi-presidential system.
– Presidential system.
4- Political sociology: Political sociology is concerned with the impact of social variables in the formation of the structure of political power and the development of systems of government in society, social systems from the point of view of Political sociology is only variable (or transformative) factors or causative factors, and what politics and affairs are other than dependent factors, are influenced by social factors and change. Thus, any accurate understanding of political systems and institutions requires an analysis for the elements of change in society. The most important topics in this article are:
-Ideological conflicts between political elites.
-Theories of political sociology.
-Career direction. Marxist trend.
5-Crisis and Disaster Management: The Crisis and Disaster Management Course dealt with teaching students the concept of crises and disasters and their basic characteristics, their development factors and the concept of crisis and disaster management. The most important topics in this article:
-The evolution of crisis management science.
-International crisis management.
-Managing crises of social change.
-Natural disaster management.
-Industrial crisis management.
6-Leadership and leadership in times of crisis and disaster: This course deals with the concept of leadership and its patterns and the leadership attributes required for crisis management and leadership functions and its tasks in crisis and disaster management and practical models for leading crisis and disaster management teams. The most important topics we will address in this article:
-Disaster management planning and relief and rescue work.
-Negotiating in crises and emergency situations.
-Information and communication systems and decision-making support.
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