Department of Security Studies

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who should attend?
This program is aimed at all security managers, to hone their skills and competencies and effectively demonstrate their ability at the administrative level of security within their organization, and this program is open to all people who are interested in maintaining security and look forward to receiving jobs in this field.
This program aims to:
-Specialized and distinguished security education and training in the field of security studies and sciences
-Preparing a qualified and professional staff that contributes to enhancing security and development in the community, capable of receiving local and international jobs
-Providing students with the necessary skills in the basic working environment – providing students with basic knowledge in the areas of security, intelligence, analysis of their problems, and developing solutions to them
-Building a scientific and practical basis for maintaining security, identifying the security system and the causes of its sabotage
Program hubs:
1- Introduction to security and strategic studies: This axis provides the study and analysis of current or future issues at the local, regional and international level, which have an impact on the national security of the state. We will address the following topics:
-Principles of security work
-Concepts of strategy and security
-Current and future security challenges
2. Internal security: maintaining peace and security within the borders of the State, by maintaining national law, addressing threats of internal security, and the responsibility of internal security rests with the police, military forces and paramilitary forces. In this axis, we will address:
-Threats to internal security
-Institutions and internal security stakeholders
-The legal framework for internal security
-Intelligence and Internal Security
3. Contemporary foreign policy: The importance of studying states’ foreign policy is reflected in understanding the foreign orientations of states in their relations with each other, dealing with international and diplomatic affairs and modern methods of work in the political and diplomatic sphere. We will study together:
-The concept of contemporary international politics
-The nature of the contemporary international order
-Foreign policy theories
-Comparative political science
4. Terrorism and its causes: Terrorism contains a complex set of threats aimed at satisfying the group’s views with the logic of force, and the phenomenon of terrorism has become an imposed rather than a temporary situation, so through this axis we aim to introduce students to the concept of terrorism and its causes, and to provide an analysis of the counter-terrorism policies provided by States, which we will study in this axis:
-The causes of terrorism
-Combating cross-border terrorism
-Combating the financing of terrorism and drying up its sources
-Conflict resolution
– Peace-keeping
5- International relations and diplomacy: This specialty is concerned with studying all phenomena that go beyond international borders, and is considered an interesting area of study because it is a combination of the integration of the economy, politics and law at the global level. We will study together in this axis:
-Contemporary diplomacy
-The theory of international security
-Settlement of international disputes
– Simulating the Security Council and practical issues
6- Personal security: It is a security mission entrusted to a group of people to protect an important figure from assassination or assault, and protection personnel are highly trained to reach the level where they can repel any attempted attack or assassination. We will study together in this axis:
-Principles of security
– Protection elements features
– Workplace security and personal residence
-Search vehicles and people
– Wireless communications and appeals
– Move to a safe place
Looking for higher education, at the postgraduate level (Master’s, Professional Doctorate) ?