Department of Social Sciences - Training and Education Skills

Education is an organized process aimed at acquiring the educated person’s general foundations of knowledge, and is carried out in a systematic and deliberate manner with specific and well-known objectives. Training is a structured and planned effort to provide educational personnel with certain knowledge to improve and develop their skills and abilities. Education and training is one of the most important areas of job development, as it will provide teachers and trainers with the skills necessary to improve their performance, hence the increased requirements for training employees on the basis of management and other specialized skills. Therefore, we have designed this program to advance the development of the training process and to inform teachers and trainers of all the necessary foundations to meet all the needs of the educational and training process.
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who should attend?

For all teachers and trainers who want to hone their skills and experience

Human development trainers

Human resources managers and staff

Training managers in different institutions

Anyone who wants to develop himself and become effective in his community  


We aim to develop the skills of participants in the field of education and training through an integrated program, which includes the latest training and education systems and strategies, and to identify all scientific and practical methods to provide participants with the necessary practical experiences for their work as trainers, teachers and professionals in this field. This program helps teachers, lecturers and trainers to influence recipients and create their own charisma.



We will study the following topics in this program:

1- Preparing and designing educational programs: it is the design of systems that allow the recipient to reach his goal by providing a range of educational experiences. We study in this axis:

-Types of educational programs 

-Educational scenario

-Identifying the behavioral objectives of the educational program

-Appropriate means of education

-Computer in learning

2. Micro-education and training: is an educational position that takes place in a short time, shared by a small number of students, a strategy of training in teaching skills, this method provides teachers with information about their performance after class, which helps their professional development, as micro-education analyzes the educational situation and renews the skills needed for it. In this area, we will examine the following topics: 

-The concept of micro-education and training 

-Elements of education and micro-training

-Steps of education and microtraining 

-Mini-education and training applications

3- Designing education and training materials for interaction, activity and measurement: is the practice of design, development and presentation of educational products and experiences. We will study this theme:

-Educational designer and feedback 

-Skills and requirements for designing and developing remote lessons

-Examples of education and training programmes

4- Presentation and presentation skills: The presentation increases the efficiency of the working style, the purpose of the presentation must be determined, and then the type of presentation, and then go from reporting to persuasion. Together, we will study this axis: 

-Types of presentation

-Public analysis

-Preparing and using the means of clarification

5- Training methods and systems: Training methods are designed on the basis of provoking the participation of trainees, to improve the effectiveness of the group discussion. We will study this axis:

-Modern training methods 

-Groups (Discussion – Work)

-Models for global training systems

6- Collecting and analyzing training needs: is part of the training process, and the training needs are analyzed to identify the priorities for training, and set goals for training courses. We will study this theme: 

-Identifying needs (trainee satin, type of training, duration) 

-Note behavior and performance 

-Tools and methods to identify training needs

-Analysis of information

7- Measuring the results of the training process and education: the measurement is used for the results of the education and training process in order to measure the change of behavior as a result of the application of the trainee what he learned, and to make sure that the training programs achieved their objectives or not. We will study together in this axis:

-Methods for measuring the return from training

-The general framework of the training return assessment process

-Obstacles to the application of the return process from investment training.

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