The Constitutional law

Constitutional law is a set of principles, provisions and rules that relate to the foundations upon which the state is built, as well as the organization of governance and its conduct within it. These principles, rules and provisions constitute the most important legal data related to governance within the state. These data are often found within a written document of any constitution due to its formal features and what it contains. The term “constitutional law” appeared in the early twentieth century in the Arab countries, while in the West it appeared in Italy in the eighteenth century and appeared in France in an official capacity in 1834 at the hands of the Minister of Education during the government of “Louis Philippe Gessu,” who decided to establish the first chair It bears the name of a constitutional law at the Faculty of Law in Paris, with the aim of teaching the provisions of the French Constitution of 1930.
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who should attend?

This program is aimed to:

-All law workers

-Judges, lawyers and legal practitioners

-Students and graduates of law and law schools

– Students specializing in the science of crime control

-Legal workers in ministries and institutions

– Anyone who has an interest in the world of crime control and wants to raise his legal skills in this field 


Gaining scientific and practical experience in the field of constitutional law


Qualifying students to work within law firms, and completing their knowledge of constitutional law.


– Develop students’ information to learn more about the constitution


Defining constitutional law and determining its content according to four criteria.


First: the linguistic standard.


Second: the formal standard.


Third: the objective criteria.


Fourth: the academic standard.


The function of the constitution.


Sources of constitutional law

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